Wednesday 22 April 2015

Titration Calculations

Click here for titration practice questions
Always follow the steps:
STEP 1: Write out a balanced equation for the neutralisation reaction.

STEP 2: Determine the ‘mole ratio’ between acid and alkali using the balanced equation.
STEP 3: Split the page into 2 sections and write in all the values (n, c, v) you know:
              ACID                                                                                    ALKALI

· You should have 2 values of the known solution and only 1 value for the unknown solution
· Remember to convert any volumes from cm3 into dm3 by dividing by 1000

STEP 4: Use the ‘mole ratio’ to find the value for N of the unknown solution.
 STEP 5: Use the triangle to complete the calculation now that you know 2 values for the unknown solution.

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